Sample catalog of UV varnishes for flexographic and silk screen printing


VMG-Trade company has made a printed catalog with samples of UV varnishes.

Каталог УФ-лаков для флексографии и трафарета.jpgThe catalog contains self-adhesive labels with different textures and decorative effects: matte, glossy, combined, voluminous, silk foil, drip-off pair, soft-touch, Braille, tactile. All effects are performed with UV varnishes, which are sold by VMG-Trade company.

You will be able to see, touch and compare UV varnishes among themselves. And to understand how they meet the requirements of your printing house.

Free catalogs are sent by mail.

To order a printed catalog, call or send a request by email: — Mrs Julia Shukan — Mr sergey Tretyakov

+7 (495) 780-01-83

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